Terms of Service ================ ### Posted & Effective: August 25th, 2024 ### Scope and Modifications Thank you for choosing Catbox (officially as Catbox LLC). These Terms of Service ("**Terms**") cover your use and access to our services, extensions, and websites ("**Services**"). Our Privacy Policy explains how and what information we collect, while our Acceptable Use Policy outlines your responsibilities when using our Services. By using our Services, you're agreeing to be bound by these Terms, our Privacy Policy, and Acceptable Use Policy. If you're using our Services for an organization, you are agreeing to these Terms on behalf of that organization. If you don't like these Terms, or don't wish you be bound, you cannot use our Services. We may revise these Terms at any time, for any reason, by providing at least 30 days prior notice of the change, whether via our website, by sending you an email or via any messaging service we provide. Your continued use after that notice means that you agree to the changed Terms. ### Your Content & Permissions When using our Services, you provide us with digital content like photos, videos, recordings, files, etc ("**Your Content**"). Your Content is yours. These Terms give us limited rights that enable us to offer our Services. We need your permission to do things like hosting Your Content, backing it up, and sharing it. Our Services also provide you with features like photo thumbnails, and digital rights management. These and other features may require our systems to access, store, and scan Your Content. By agreeing to these Terms, you agree to give us permission to do those things, and this permission extends to trusted third parties we work with. We reserve the right to disclose data and other information as required by law or any competent authority. This is detailed in our Privacy Policy and DMCA/IP Policy, both of which are subject to these Terms. You own, or undertake that you are authorised to use, any intellectual property in any data you store on, use, download, upload, share, access, transmit or otherwise make available to or from, our Services. You grant us a worldwide, royalty-free licence to use, store, back-up, copy, transmit, distribute, communicate, modify and otherwise make available, your data, solely for the purposes of enabling you and those you give access to, to use our Services and for any other purpose related to provision of our Services to you and them. You must maintain copies of Your Content stored by you on our Services. We do not make any guarantees that there will be no loss of data or the Services will be bug free. You should download all data prior to termination of Services. ### Your Responsibilities You are responsible for your conduct on our Services. Your Content and you must comply with our Acceptable Use Policy. Content may be protected by others' intellectual property rights. Please don't copy, upload, download, or share content unless you have the right to do so. We may review your conduct and content for compliance with these Terms and our Acceptable Use Policy. However, we have no obligation to do so. You may use our Services only as permitted by applicable law, including export control laws and regulations. If you reside in the United States, you must be 13 years of age or older to use our services. If you reside in the European Union, you must be at least 16 or older. Please check your local law for the age of digital consent. If you don't meet these age requirements, you may not use our Services. ### What you're not allowed to do You may not, and will ensure that all users of your account will not: * do anything that would damage, disrupt or place an unreasonable burden on our website or Services or anyone else's use of our website; * infringe on others' intellectual property rights; * resell or otherwise supply our Services to anyone else; * register multiple accounts; * use our website and Services: * to store, use, download, upload, share, access, transmit, or otherwise make available, data in violation of United States federal law, and California State law; * to send unwelcome communications of any kind (including but not limited to unlawful unsolicited commercial communications) to anyone (e.g. spam or chain letters); * to abuse, defame, threaten, stalk or harass anyone, or to harm them. California's criminal law addressing online harassment states that it is illegal to use an electronic communication device to make repeated contact with another person with the intent to harass or annoy, or to make a single intentionally harassing contact if it includes any obscene or threatening language _(California Penal Code 653m.)_. Additionally, it is illegal to make credible threats by means of any electronic communication device, including but not limited to telephones, cell phones, smart phones, tablets and computers _(California Penal Code 442.)_. It is also a crime to use an electronic communication device to distribute personal information of another person without their consent, and with the intent to harass them or cause them fear. _(California Penal Code 653.2)_ * to upload anything or otherwise introduce any spyware, viruses, worms, trojan horses, time bombs or bots or any other damaging items which could interfere with our, or anyone else's, network, device or computer system; * or, to attempt to gain unauthorised access to any services other than those to which you have been given express permission to access. ### Termination You are free to stop using our Services at any time. We reserve the right to suspend or terminate your access to our Services with notice to you if you are in breach of these Terms, or your use of our Services are in a manner that would cause a real risk of harm or loss to us or others. **We may also terminate or suspend our Services or any part of our Services, for any users, without notice, at any time, for any reason or no reason.** We will provide you with reasonable advance notice via the email address associated with your account to attempt to resolve the situation that prompted termination. We will give you reasonable opportunity to export Your Content from our Services. If after such notice, we are unable to resolve the situation, or you fail to take the steps we ask of you, we will terminate or suspend your access to our Services. We reserve the right not to provide notice before termination where: you are in flagrant breach of these Terms, doing so would cause us legal liability, or because we are prohibited from doing so by law. ### Discontinuation of Service We may, at any point in time, decide to discontinue our Services in response to circumstances unforeseen beyond our control, or to comply with a legal requirement. In the event we are required to do so, and if we are legally and physically capable, we will give you reasonable prior notice, so you may retrieve Your Content from our Services. ### Force Majeure We will not be liable by reason of any failure or delay in the performance of our obligations because of events beyond our reasonable control, which may include, without limitation, denial-of-service attacks, strikes, shortages, riots, insurrection, fires, flood, storm, explosions, acts of God, war, terrorism, governmental action, labour conditions, earthquakes, material shortages, extraordinary internet congestion or extraordinary connectivity issues or failure of a third party host, (each a "Force Majeure Event"). Upon the occurrence of a Force Majeure Event, we will be excused from any further performance of the obligations which are affected by that Force Majeure Event for so long as the event continues. ### "As-is" Service We try to make Catbox and our Services the best. That said, there are certain things we can't guarantee. **TO THE FULLEST EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW, CATBOX AND ITS AFFILIATES, SUPPLIERS AND DISTRIBUTORS MAKE NO WARRANTIES, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, ABOUT OUR SERVICES. OUR SERVICES ARE PROVIDED "AS IS." WE ALSO DISCLAIM ANY WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, AND NON-INFRINGEMENT. Some places don't allow the disclaimers in this paragraph, so this may not apply to you.** ### Limitation of Liability TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW, WE (THIS INCLUDES OUR EMPLOYEES, OFFICERS, AND AGENTS) ARE NOT LIABLE WHETHER IN CONTRACT, TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE), EQUITY OR ON ANY OTHER GROUNDS TO YOU OR ANYONE ELSE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGE, LOSS, COST OR EXPENSE, DAMAGE TO PROPERTY, INJURY TO PERSONS, LOSS OF PROFITS, LOSS OF DATA OR REVENUE, LOSS OF USE, LOST BUSINESS OR MISSED OPPORTUNITIES, WASTED EXPENDITURE OR SAVINGS WHICH YOU MIGHT HAVE HAD, DENIAL OF SERVICE OR ACCESS TO OUR WEBSITE OR OUR API, OCCURRING DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY FROM THE USE OR ABILITY OR INABILITY TO USE, OR RELIANCE ON, OUR WEBSITE OR OUR API, OR OUR SERVICES, AND BASED ON ANY TYPE OF LIABILITY INCLUDING BREACH OF CONTRACT, BREACH OF WARRANTY, TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE), STATUTORY OR PRODUCT LIABILITY, OR OTHERWISE. YOU SHALL INDEMNIFY US AGAINST ALL CLAIMS, COSTS (INCLUDING ALL OUR LEGAL COSTS), EXPENSES, DEMANDS OR LIABILITY, DAMAGES AND LOSSES WHETHER DIRECT, INDIRECT, CONSEQUENTIAL, OR OTHERWISE, AND WHETHER ARISING IN CONTRACT, TORT (INCLUDING IN EACH CASE NEGLIGENCE), OR EQUITY OR OTHERWISE, ARISING DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY FROM BREACH BY YOU OR ANYONE YOU GIVE ACCESS TO YOUR DATA, OF ANY OF THESE TERMS OR ANY POLICY REFERENCED IN THESE TERMS. IF YOU ARE NOT SATISFIED WITH OUR SERVICES, THEN YOUR SOLE AND EXCLUSIVE REMEDY IS TO TERMINATE YOUR USE OF OUR SERVICES AND THE CONTRACT YOU HAVE WITH US. THIS SECTION DOESN'T AFFECT CONSUMER RIGHTS THAT CAN'T BE WAIVED OR LIMITED BY ANY CONTRACT OR AGREEMENT. DESPITE THE ABOVE, IF ANY COURT OR OTHER COMPETENT AUTHORITY HOLDS US (THIS INCLUDES OUR OFFICERS, STAFF AND AGENTS) LIABLE FOR ANY MATTER RELATED TO THESE TERMS OR OUR SERVICES, OUR TOTAL COMBINED LIABILITY WILL BE LIMITED TO THE MOST RECENT SUBSCRIPTION AMOUNT YOU HAVE PAID TO US, IF YOU HAVE PAID SUBSCRIPTION. Residents of California. If you reside in the state of California you are entitled to the following specific consumer rights information: you may contact the Complaint Assistance Unit of the Division of Consumer Services of the Department of Consumer Affairs by mail at 400 R St., Suite 1080, Sacramento, California, 95814, or by telephone at 916-445-1254. California residents expressly agree to waive California Civil Code Sec. 1542, which states: "A general release does not extend the claims which the creditor does not know or suspect to exist in his favor at the time of executing the release, which if known by him must have materially affected his settlement with the debtor." ### Resolving Disputes Any legal questions/complaints/claims regarding this Agreement are under California law and jurisdiction. **That said, let's try to work things out first.** We would like to address your concerns without a formal legal proceeding. Before filing a claim against Catbox, you agree to try to resolve the dispute informally by contacting us via email at admin@catbox.moe. We'll try to resolve the dispute informally by contacting you via email. If a dispute is not resolved within 30 days of submission, you or Catbox may bring a formal proceeding. To the extent not covered by the Arbitration language below, you and us agree that your use of the our Services, and this Agreement, and any issues arising out of them, will be deemed to be entered into in Los Angeles, California and governed by and interpreted according to the laws of the State of California, USA (and, if applicable, US Federal law) without regard to choice of law principles. Any legal claim by you against Catbox, to the extent not covered by Arbitration language below, will be made exclusively in state or federal court located in Los Angeles, California, which will have subject matter jurisdiction regarding the dispute between you and us and therefore we both consent to the exclusive jurisdiction of those courts. Moreover, you waive any rights to argue that the state and federal courts in Los Angeles, California are an improper venue. ### Arbitration You and Catbox agree to resolve all disputes and claims between us in individual binding arbitration. This includes without limitation any claims arising from this Agreement, any part of the relationship between you and us or your use of our Services and products. This section applies whether the dispute or claim is based in contract, tort, statute, fraud, unfair competition, misrepresentation or any other legal doctrine. **What is arbitration?** "Arbitration" is a consensual dispute resolution process where both sides present their case to a neutral arbitrator (not a judge or jury). Arbitration is less formal than court litigation and it has less formal rules. By choosing arbitration you and we are giving up the right to have any dispute between us heard in court before a judge and/or jury. You and Catbox agree that any claim arising out of or related to our Services must be made within one (1) year after the claim arose; otherwise, such claim is permanently barred. You agree that the provisions in this paragraph will survive any termination of your account or our Services. **How to start Arbitration:** If either you or Catbox wish to initiate Arbitration, then they will have to send the other side written notice setting out the basis of the claim, and what remedy the commencing side wants from the other side. A printed version of these Terms and of any notice given in electronic form shall be admissible to the same extent and subject to the same conditions as other business documents and records originally generated and maintained in printed form. If you send a notice to us, please send by mail and by email. The American Arbitration Association (AAA) will administer the arbitration under its Commercial Arbitration Rules and the Supplementary Procedures for Consumer Related Disputes, if applicable. The arbitration will be held in the United States county where you live or work, Los Angeles, California, or any other location we agree to. If you seek US$10,000 or less, Catbox agrees to reimburse your filing fee and your share of the arbitration costs (but not including any attorney's fees or expert witness fees), including your share of arbitrator compensation, at the end of the arbitration, unless the arbitrator decides your claims are without merit or your costs are unreasonable. Catbox agrees not to seek its legal fees or costs in the arbitration unless the arbitrator determines your claims are without merit or your costs are unreasonable. If you seek more than US$10,000 then the arbitration costs, including arbitrator compensation, will be split between you and Catbox according to the AAA Commercial Arbitration Rules and the AAA's Supplementary Procedures for Consumer Related Disputes, if applicable. These arbitration requirements do not apply to claims or disputes brought by either you or us which relate to claims of intellectual property rights infringement or claims of unauthorised use, piracy, theft or misappropriation. This section does not prevent you from bringing your dispute to the attention of any federal, state, or local government agencies that can, if the law allows, seek relief from us for you. If you live in the USA or the rest of the world (but not the European Union), you and Catbox agree not to bring any class action or similar collective legal action against each other. We will resolve legal disputes with each other through the process outlined above. If the agreement to arbitrate is found not to apply to you or your claim, you agree to the exclusive jurisdiction of the state and federal courts in Los Angeles, California to resolve your claim. If this specific paragraph is found illegal or unenforceable, then the entirety of this "Arbitration" section will be deemed void. Any claim or dispute will therefore be resolved in court. ### Controlling Law These Terms will be governed by California law except for its conflicts of laws principles. However, some countries (including those in the European Union) have laws that require agreements to be governed by the local law of the consumer's country. This paragraph does not override those laws. ### Entire Agreement These Terms constitute the entire agreement between you and Catbox with respect to the subject matter of these Terms, and supersede and replace any other prior or contemporaneous agreements, or Terms and conditions applicable to the subject matter of these Terms. These Terms create no third party beneficiary rights. No agreement, arrangement or understanding alleged to be made between us, or representation alleged to be made, by us or on our behalf, to you, if inconsistent with these Terms, shall be valid unless agreed to in writing by the CEO of Catbox. ### Severability Catbox's failure to enforce a provision is not a waiver of it's right to do so at a later time. If a provision in these Terms is found unenforceable, the remaining provisions will remain in full effect and an enforceable term will be substituted reflecting our intent as closely as possible. You may not assign any of your rights under these Terms, and any such attempt will be void. Catbox may assign its rights to any successor in interest of any business associated with our Services. Privacy Policy ============== ### Posted: August 25th, 2024 Thanks for chosing Catbox! In this section of our Legal area, we'll outline how we collect, use, and handle your information when you use our website and extensions ("**our Services**"). #### What and Why We collect and use the following information to provide, improve, and protect our Services: * **Account Information** - We collect, and associate with your account, the information you provide to us when you do things such as sign up for your account, log in, and set up two-factor authentication. This includes your email address, and IP address in unencrypted form. When purchasing service, we may collect more information, including name, physical address, phone number, and payment info. For more information regarding information saved with paid service, and how it is used, see our payment processors websites: [Stripe](https://stripe.com/privacy). * **Your Content** - At the time of content upload, we collect and store the size of the file, when it was uploaded, and the original file name in unencrypted form. This enables us to provide you with the service you are paying for, and help resolve account issues, if the need arises. * **Browsing/Device Information** - We collect information from and about the devices you use to access our Services. This is commonly referred to as an "Access Log". This includes things like IP Addresses, the type of browser(via Useragent), the webpage you may have visited before coming to our website, and the webpage you are requesting. These are common statistics collected by most websites passively. * **Cookies** - We use cookies as an integral part of our website. It helps our server remember who you are. This is neccessary to keep you logged in. You can set your browser to not accept cookies, but this may harm your ability to use our Services to the fullest extent. * **Why we collect the above data** - We collect and use the personal data described above in order to provide you with the Services in a reliable and secure manner. We also collect and use personal data for our legitimate business needs. #### With Whom Good news is, we don't share information with very many people! We may share information as discussed below, but we do not sell information gathered on Catbox to advertisers or other third parties. * **Others working for/contracted by Catbox** - We partner with certain individuals and organizations to help improve, protect and provide our Services. We currently partner with [Stripe](https://stripe.com/privacy) and [Patreon](https://privacy.patreon.com/) to provide payment processing services. Any information you submit with them is governed by their respective Privacy Policies, in addition to how we use it in our Privacy Policy. **Any third party service accessed from our Services is independant from us, and we have no control over, and assume no responsibility for, the content, Privacy Policy, Terms of Service and practices of any such website or service. Any such third party may have Terms of Service and a Privacy Policy different than ours, and you should review the applicable policies before agreeing to this policy. You agree to abide by the terms and conditions of any applicable third party.** * **Law Enforcement** - We may disclose your information to third parties if we determine that such disclosure is reasonably necessary to: comply with any applicable law, regulation, legal process, or appropriate government request; protect any person from death or serious bodily injury; prevent fraud or abuse of Catbox or our users; or protect Catbox's rights, property, safety, or interest. Since all of our sharing is integral to the functions of our Services, it is currently not possible to "opt out" of the sharing listed above. Your only remedy would be to not use our Services. #### How Catbox is dedicated to not only keeping your content safe, but also your information. We are constantly monitoring for external and internal threats to our operations. You can edit your personally identifiable information from your account settings page. When you register an account with us, we retain the information you offered for as long as you have an account with us. If you choose to terminate your service as outlined below in "Your Rights", we will delete your personally identifiable information after 30 days. However, we may retain this information if neccessary to comply with legal obligations, resolve disputes, or enforce our agreements. #### Where Your information is primarily stored in California, USA. However, content you upload is available globally, publicly, forever, until you delete them. Information stored and transmitted by our partners are governed by their respective Privacy Policies, in addition to ours. #### Changes In the event of a reorganization, merger, acquisition, or sale of our assets, your information may be transferred as part of that deal. We will notify you (for example, via a message to the email address associated with your account) of any such deal and outline your choices in that event. We may revise this Privacy Policy from time to time, and will post the most current version on our website. If a revision meaningfully reduces your rights, we will notify you. #### Do Not Track Catbox currently does not acknowledge Do Not Track requests. #### Your Rights Your rights may vary by location. However, for the most part, you have control over your personal information and how it is collected, used, and shared. In general, you have a right to: * **Be Forgotten** - In certain countries, you have a Right to be Forgotten. Should you choose to be forgotten from Catbox, you will need to send an email to admin@catbox.moe _from the email address registered with your account_, certifying that you would like to be Forgotten from Catbox, under your respective law. In addition, if you are under 18 years old, you have a right under CalOPPA to have your Content or information removed from our Services. You will need to send an email to admin@catbox.moe to contact us with respect to any CalOPPA requests. * **Change or Correct** - You can manage your personally identifiable information on Catbox Spaces from your account settings page. * **Access** - You can view your personally identifiable information on Catbox Spaces from your account settings page. You may also submit a request by emailing admin@catbox.moe, with sufficient information to have us verify your identity and retrieve your data. Requests submitted this way may take up to 30 days pending retrieval. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, feel free to email us at admin@catbox.moe Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) =========================== We reserve the right, in our sole discretion, to make changes or updates to this AUP at any time. If any changes or updates are made, they will be published here. Your continued use of Catbox after any such changes or updates constitutes your acceptance of these changes and updates. If you do not agree to abide by this AUP, do not use or access Catbox. You are responsible for any and all content you upload, store, and share on Catbox. You will not, nor will you permit or allow anyone else to misuse Catbox services ("**our Services**"). For example, you agree not to even try to do any of the following in connection with our Services: * breach or otherwise circumvent any security or authentication measures; * access, tamper with, or use non-public areas or parts of our Services, or privileged areas of our Services you haven't been invited to; * interfere with or disrupt any user, host, or network, for example by sending a virus, overloading, flooding, or spamming any part of our Services; * create accounts, access, or search our Services by any means other than our publicly supported interfaces (for example, "scraping" or creating accounts in bulk); * send unsolicited communications, promotions or advertisements, or spam; * send altered, deceptive or false source-identifying information, including "spoofing" or "phishing"; * promote or advertise products or services other than your own without appropriate authorization; * circumvent storage limits or space-saving algorithms; * sell or resell our Services, unless explicitly authorized to do so; * publish materials that contain extreme acts of violence or terrorist activity, including terror propaganda; * violate the law in any way, including storing, publishing or sharing material that's fraudulent, defamatory, or misleading; * violate the privacy or infringe the rights of others. We reserve full right to use any and all methods of punitive action in the case of a violation of our AUP, including Termination, as outlined in our Terms of Service. General DMCA Policy =================== Catbox respects the intellectual property of others, and we expect the users of our service do the same. If you believe that your copyrighted content has been uploaded to Catbox in a way that constitutes copyright infringement, and is hosted on Catbox servers, you may contact our copyright agent in accordance with the United States' Digital Millennium Copyright Act of 1998 (henceforth "DMCA"). **IMPORTANT:** If you are a third party acting on behalf of someone else, you **must submit a signed letter of authorization** from the damaged party, stating you and/or your company are authorized to enforce copyright against third parties. We require this information to combat fraud and distrust in the DMCA system. To file an infringement notification, you must send written communication that includes the following **(please consult professional legal counsel, we are not your lawyers)**: * A physical or electronic signature of a person authorised to act on behalf of the copyright owner. * Identification of the work claimed to have been infringed. * Identification of the material that is claimed to be infringing or to be the subject of infringing activity and which is requested to be removed or disabled, along information reasonably sufficient to enable us to locate the material. * Information reasonably sufficient to enable us to contact you, for example: email address, telephone number, residence/office, and/or other contact details. * A statement that you have a good faith belief that use of the material in the manner complained of is not authorised by the owner, its agent, or the law. * A statement that the information in the notification is accurate, and under penalty of perjury under the DMCA, that you are authorised to act on behalf of the owner of an exclusive right which allegedly is infringed. * If you are a third party to the copyright owner, a signed letter of authorization from the copyright owner. Please send this notification via **plain text email** to: admin@catbox.moe. If you include any formatting/HTML, we may not be able to process your request. Consult your IT department for assistance if you are unsure. In accordance with the DMCA, the content alleged to be infringing will be removed from public access as quickly as possible. **Catbox is not an arbitrator of what is legally infringing.** Where possible, your DMCA claim may be forwarded to person allegedly uploading the infringing content. Under the DMCA, content distributors are provided legal right to submit a good-faith counter notification asking that the allegedly infringing content be released. Catbox is required to republish the content after 14 days of counter notification, unless you bring legal action against **the content uploader.** To file a counter-infringement notice, you will be required to furnish the following: * Your name, address, and phone number * Identification of the material and its location before it was removed * A statement under penalty of perjury that the material was removed by mistake or misidentification * Your consent to accept service of process from the party who submitted the takedown notice. * Your consent to the jurisdiction of a federal court in the district where you live (if you are in the U.S.), or your consent to the jurisdiction of a federal court in the district where your service provider is located (if you are not in the U.S.) * Your physical or electronic signature Section 512(f) of the DMCA creates **legal liability for knowingly making false claims** in a DMCA takedown notice or counter-notice. See 17 U.S.C. S 512(f). The DMCA states that those knowingly misrepresenting any materials under the Act: * shall be liable for any damages, including costs and attorneys' fees, incurred by the alleged infringer, by any copyright owner or copyright owner's authorized licensee, or by a service provider, who is injured by such misrepresentation, as the result of the service provider relying upon such misrepresentation in removing or disabling access to the material or activity claimed to be infringing, or in replacing the removed material or ceasing to disable access to it. If your uploads are found to be recurringly infringing, Catbox has a legal obligation to terminate your use of our service. Please take care.